Sharron Davies MBE treated for knee arthritis

Sharron Davies MBE treated for knee arthritis

London Cartilage Clinic

Written By London Cartilage Clinic

In 2022, our cartilage surgeon Professor Paul Lee had the pleasure of administering an Arthrosamid injection to Sharron Davies MBE. As a decorated athlete, she was no stranger to having to undergo surgical treatments. However, now she was entering her 60’s, she needed a long lasting solution to the joint pain she was suffering from. Fortunately, Prof Lee confirmed she was suitable for an Arthrosamid injection and gave her the treatment with minimal discomfort. These are the details of her arthritis recovery. 

Sharron’s story 

Sharron Davies had her Olympic debut at the age of just 13 in 1976, where she would go on to compete in multiple Olympic and Commonwealth Games. Her intensive swimming training from such a young age placed regular stress on her joints. This manifested in deteriorating arthritis in her knees. In 1995, she snapped her ACL and had a total of 9 rounds of reconstructive surgery. Fast forward to 2022 and Sharron’s right knee arthritis has progressed to stage 4. This is considered to be a severe form of arthritis, with little to no space between the bones of the joint. 

Sharron didn’t have time to rest in her career, as she had acquired a strong popularity and celebrity appeal. As a result, she would go on to lead a busy life as a motivational speaker, TV personality, charity events worker, model, author, and even equestrian. In her late 50’s, Sharron was experiencing pain during exercise and day-to-day activities as a result of her knee, which is when she decided to seek professional treatment. 

Sharron’s treatment journey 

Following years of discomfort, Sharron finally decided something needed to be done. However, she didn’t want to have knee cartilage surgery. It was in September 2022, Sharron visited MSK Doctors’ clinic on the recommendation of Prof Paul Lee. Here, she underwent an MRI scan and motion analysis, with an Arthrosamid injection being performed the very same day. At the time, Sharron said ‘I couldn’t believe how quick the procedure was, with very little discomfort and limited downtime’. 

Sharron was able drive home immediately and follow-up checks showed very promising results. ‘It’s great to see a patient with such an amazing result. Sharron is a high level Olympic athlete, she understands what is required to help maintain a healthy body and mind’, Prof Paul Lee said. ‘I’m very proud of the unique injection process that we have developed’.  

What is Arthrosamid? 

The Arthrosamid injection contains non-biodegradable hydrogel which is administered to the inner joint cavity of the knee. This remains in the body to restore viscosity within the synovial fluid of the knee joint, providing stability and lubrication. This treatment has also been proven to be effective at alleviating pain as a result. 

Injection treatments for knee arthritis 

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that can prevent patients from enjoying life as they once did. In addition to Arthrosamid, London Cartilage Clinic offers a wide range of injections designed to restore the functionality of cartilage in various places within the body. These are all administered by our specialists, who are experienced in providing high quality patient care. We also have many surgical options to repair, replace, or regenerate damaged knee cartilage. Contact us today.  

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